Wednesday, March 18, 2020


I know ya'll hate "The Media", like it's some big conglomerate with the single purpose of destroying humanity, but can I be honest with you? That's not true. In fact, it's FAKE NEWS. "The Media" is not the "Enemy of the People", as some would have you believe.

"The Media" is actually a grossly inaccurate term. The Media can be any information you consume on a daily basis. Facebook is SOCIAL media. So is Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Twitch, Pinterest, and any other online entity. It's all media. Every post you make, every meme you share, (I'll be watching you) it's all digital information disseminated to millions of people worldwide. And there's the rub. Sites like "Occupy Democrats" (obvi lefties) and "Occupy Democrats Logic" (a right wing site), are considered media. And they're horribly biased. The names give that away. And yet you eat it up. You follow those pages and share their content, and then bitch about "The Media" being biased. You can't have it both ways.

Let me tell you something about "The Media". I am the media. I am a career journalist, for 20 years now. And I have seen shit that would make your blood run cold, and make you want to hug your momma. I have had complete breakdowns sobbing in the bathroom at work because of what I've seen, and then picked myself up and did my damn job. It's my job to see it, and then tell you about it so you don't have to witness that horror. Funny thing is, I didn't set out to be a journalist. I fell into it, because I needed a job, and -- as with most things in my life -- it seemed like a good idea at the time. But most journalists, they love it. You can't imagine their passion and intensity. They're borderline insane, for realz. They live and breathe the news. Newshounds are always looking for a good story, the breaking details, and the story behind the story. But what I've noticed is, they love humanity most of all. They want to bring the news to life, in a way that touches you intimately, in a way that relates to you and makes you want to get out there and do something about it. They are warriors, on the front lines, chasing down Senators who don't want to explain their positions (which I have done myself), questioning the White House about policy decisions, and risking exposure to a deadly bacteria by going into the Brentwood Post Office during an Anthrax scare (which I was a part of, in my time in D.C.). They are fearless, and ask what you want to know, even though most of the time they don't get answers. But they keep trying. Because they love it. They live for it. And you lump them in with far left sites like "Occupy Democrats" or far right sites like "Uncle Sam's Children"? That is unfair and downright cruel, given what they sacrifice for you.

Don't bitch about "The Media". There is no such thing. We are journalists. And yes, journalism is going to be biased in some way. Because we are humans, and humans are inherently biased. But as journalists we do our best not to be. Some news outlets cater to the left, or the right (I'm looking at you, MSNBC and FOX), but for the most part, we try our damnedest to give you just the facts, without bias. Cable news, unfortunately, is pretty biased. It has to be, to appease shareholders and survive the 24-hour news cycle. It's brutal, and needs those folks who have it on all day as background noise to survive. Let me tell you a secret: any show with commentators is biased. Period. A show with politicians as guests, is trying not to be....but Democrats rarely appear on FOX, and Republicans rarely appear on CNN, so take that shit with a grain of salt.

In my 20-year career, I have refused to write exactly TWO stories, because they were so biased I couldn't bring myself to do it. I remember them both. I simply said, "I can't write this", and they had someone else do it. Bias and all. But I, the accidental journalist, had the integrity to walk away from it -- and most true journalists do. Why do you think some reporters leave one network and show up on another? Sometimes for money, yes, but mostly because they have integrity.

We are not your enemy. We don't report "fake news", that's another stupid made-up term, like "The Media", or "alternate facts". None of that is a thing. Please stop lumping us together with the horribly biased sites you get your "news" from, the sites with things you want to hear to make you feel better about your opinions. They are opinions, and you know what they say about those. Er'body got one. They are not facts. True journalists report facts. Respect them for the work they do -- and it is hard work; long hours, trips across country with 2-hours notice, interviewing grieving parents and angry business's not easy. But they do it for YOU. To keep you in the know. The irony is if they didn't, you'd be bitching that you didn't know about something-or-other (like COVID-19, perhaps?), and who would you blame then, for the lack of information? The government. So stop. Just stop. We're just doing our jobs, man, telling it like it is; it's not our fault if you don't listen, or if it doesn't fit with your personal opinions.

It's YOUR job to do your research, and stay informed. Use multiple, reputable news sites, not just your favorite Facebook meme site. Make an informed opinion. But don't hate on us if you don't like what you hear; it's just the facts, ma'am.  To quote the late great Edward R. Murrow (of whom I have an award in his name for my work, you heathens bitching about "The Media"), "Good night and good luck".

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