Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hello world

I finally talked myself into starting a blog, after weeks of composing blog posts in my head. Why, you may ask? For the same reason anyone ever does anything in life: everyone else is doing it. Actually, it's because I want to be a writer when (read: if) I grow up. So I figure, better start writing! I haven't really written anything in a few years; my mind has started to atrophy, which isn't as cool as it sounds. And besides, what I have to say is just as interesting as what anyone else has to fact, probably more so, because I'm crazy. Not tweaked-out-and-carrying-on-a-conversation-with-the-cops crazy (ah, the good old days), but certifiably crazy. Sortof. OK, not really. Some doctors in college expressed concern. (You have one emotional breakdown and suddenly you're mentally unstable!) I seriously considered voluntarily committing myself, but I passed. I wasn't sure I wanted to be locked in a place with really mentally unstable people -- I figured it would make me feel worse. Guilty for thinking I needed to be taken care of, when there are some seriously fucked up people out there that really need to be committed. That, plus, the devil you know is better than the devil you don't, right? That is the stupidest saying on the planet. My mom says it, I've said it, and I hate it. My husband says it falsely portrays the unknown as evil. That's not quite true. I don't think it's the unknown itself that's scary and bad -- it could be all sunshine and roses on the other side of that door. It's the actual act of not knowing that's frightening. Because knowledge is power, right? It's also sadness and misery. Remember that.

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